Granor Passi

Granor Passi

Granor Passi is the number one fruit processor in South Africa. Founded in 1956, the company now produces high-quality fruit juice concentrates and purees in the country’s best-situated agricultural regions. Here, the contract farmers grow citrus and tropical fruits in an ideal climate. The exclusive product range is supplemented by sourcing additional fruit concentrates and pulps.

For decades, Granor Passi has supplied exceptionally high quality to its food industry customers worldwide, as well as selling 100% juices, nectars, and blends under its own brand in local markets.

In its in-house research and development laboratory, the company also creates customized products and taste profiles for its customers – so the fruit producer is not only synonymous with first-rate products, but also with continuous innovation in the international market.

Social responsibility is another priority. Support for local communities is as much a part of Granor Passi’s identity as the responsibility it shows to its employees above and beyond the employment relationship. For example, in addition to providing contingency reserves and medical insurance, the company allows empowers its employees to participate in local sports events.


BBS Partner
since 2008
Polokwane, South Africa
No. of employees
500 employees, 200 farmers
Type of company
Sales markets
Polokwane, South Africa
