

With a company history dating back more than 100 years, California-based Sun-Maid Growers is a historic name in the USA dried-fruit market. Founded as a cooperative in 1912, the market leader for dried grapes is still privately owned by the farming families who have been cultivating their grapes and fruit orchards for generations in the fertile soils of the Golden State’s Central Valley.

Their premium California fruits are true globetrotters – the cooperative sells more than a third of its retail and industrial products all over the world, and the Sun-Maid maiden is at home in over 60 countries globally.

Sun-Maid operates the world’s largest raisin and dried-fruit factory and relies on industry-leading technologies as well as continuous improvement in all aspects of the business. Sustainability is a top priority for the company. The responsible use of resources, the expansion of its organic production, the continuing training of its farmers, and long-term and satisfied customer relationships are all part of Sun-Maid’s identity.


BBS Partner
since 1974
Kingsburg, CA, USA
No. of employees
700 employees, 700 farmers
Type of company
Sales markets
Kingsburg, CA, USA
