Code of Conduct and Ethical Guidelines

Developing the Food World-

Today and Tomorrow.

A corporate philosophy can achieve a lot - if it sets an example and ensures that values are actually put into practice.

We live our values and are committed to a fair and reliable partnership with our business partners and with each other. We are committed to uniform compliance guidelines that serve as an ethical and moral guide for all our employees to behave openly and with integrity. This applies not only within our group of companies, but also towards our customers, partners, competitors and therefore all stakeholders.

Code of Conduct -
Code of Conduct and Ethical Guidelines

We undertake to comply with the applicable legislation
and all international standards of conduct.

The Bösch Boden Spies Code of Conduct is based on international labor standards for the protection of labor rights, such as conventions and declarations of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Bösch Boden Spies is committed to these principles and undertakes to implement the following 11 key points step by step in the supply chain and to ensure compliance:

Fair remuneration

Our company respects the right of employees to appropriate remuneration.

No forced labor

Our company does not engage in forced labor, human trafficking or involuntary work.

No discrimination

Our company offers equal opportunities and does not discriminate against any employees.

Special protection for young employees

Our company offers special protection to all employees who are not yet adults.

Occupational health and safety

Our company ensures a healthy and safe working environment, assesses the risk and takes all necessary measures to eliminate or reduce it.

Ethical business conduct

Our company does not tolerate any acts of corruption, extortion, embezzlement or bribery.

Right to freedom of association and representation of interests

Our company respects the right of employees to establish their own interest groups.

Angemessene Arbeitszeiten

Unser Unternehmen hält sich an das Arbeitszeitgesetz.

Keine Kinderarbeit

Unser Unternehmen stellt keine Arbeitnehmer unter dem gesetzlichen Mindestalter ein.

Keine prekäre Beschäftigung

Unser Unternehmen stellt Mitarbeiter auf der Grundlage von gesetzlich dokumentierten Verträgen ein.


Unser Unternehmen ergreift die erforderlichen Maßnahmen, um Umweltschäden zu vermeiden.

Reporting compliance violations

We expect every employee to comply with our Bösch Boden Spies Code of Conduct. Please report any compliance violations immediately using the communication channels listed below. Please use the following e-mail address to contact our Compliance

It is also possible to report a possible incident anonymously in our digital whistleblower system. All reports are reviewed and processed conscientiously and with due regard for the confidentiality of all parties concerned.

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