Solid Sunflower Oil

Solid Sunflower Oil

The solid sunflower oil was created as an alternative to the use of highly saturated tropical fats (coconut and palm oil, dairy fats (butter, cream), hydrogenated and animal fats (pork fat, bacon and pancetta). It contains a nutritional profile similar to that of a healthy oil by its base of unsaturated vegetable oils and, in addition, its ingredients fit perfectly to the needs of texture and palatability that the industry requires.

It is available in different viscosities, is organoleptically neutral and hat a natural white color. Also, it can make you products healthier due to its low saturated fatty acid content and because it contains no partially or fully hydrogenated fatty acids.


  • Tárrega, Spain




  • Borges

    Borges Ingredients is a brand of the Borges International Group, a Spanish food company which was founded in 1896. Today, they are a relevant...

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